The newest face lifting technolgy – HIgh frequency Focused Ultra sound (HIFU).
Provokes intensive colagen recreation and tifhtens up the skin. Suitable for 35-60 years range for getting visible anti-aging effect, mainly by tightening the skin without any risk which exist in operative methods.
Price: Depends on the number of impulses – 12.30 BGN per impulse
Face - 40 impulses - 490 BGN; Neck - 30 impulses - 370 BGN; Low Neck - 40 impulses - 490 BGN

Star’s therapy
HYDRADERMIЕ is an exclusive GUINOT therapy. After it your face looks uncredibly smooth and relaxed. The procedure is made by experienced and specially trained cosmetitians. It does not depend where you are – New York London, Honk Kong, Madrid, Rome or Paris you will get HYDRADERMIE therapy according to the highest GUINOT standarts.
Price: 70 BGN for a single procedure, a 3 procedure package offer - 189 BGN.
Unique painless needle mezotherapy procedure.
Visible effect at once!
Price: 118 BGN for a single procedure, a 5 procedure package offer - 475 BGN

Improves the food and water supply for the deep skin layers making it thick and fresh.
Price: 118 BGN with Filorga products; 70 BGN with other producers
Ageing Defying Facial
Rejuvenating therapy for every skin type. Immediate lifting effect. Smoothes out the wrinkles and reveals the youthful skin appearance.
Price: 59 BGN